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Darmowa dostawa przy zamówieniach powyżej 170 zł
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Darmowa dostawa przy zamówieniach powyżej 170 zł
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Darmowa dostawa przy zamówieniach powyżej 170 zł
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Darmowa dostawa przy zamówieniach powyżej 170 zł
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Darmowa dostawa przy zamówieniach powyżej 170 zł
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Darmowa dostawa przy zamówieniach powyżej 170 zł
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Personalised Gift
Ellen and Name's Trip to the Forest

Name and Name's Trip to the Forest

114,99 zł 114,99 zł
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An animal book for the youngest readers. Personalise for 1 or 2 children!

A sweet and endearing book about an adventure in the forest. Along with the grown-ups, the little explorer meets all the animals in the forest and their children.

In the forest, they meet a fox and its curious pups, a jumping hare and a sweet deer who love apples. By the lake, they find a croaking frog and the tiny tadpoles. The forest floor is filled with lots of little creepy-crawlies. In the tree canopies, they notice a woodpecker, a hooting owl and not forgetting, a forgetful squirrel that cannot find its nuts!

The book is perfect for young children between the ages of 0 to 4. An educational book about animals that live in the forest. The child is the main character with one grown-up. Other family members can be added in minor roles, if needed.

In this personalised children’s book, the child is actively involved in the reading. For example, by counting, singing, hooting like an owl, croaking like a frog, and helping the squirrel find its nuts!

Autor historii: Anna Dybdal
Ilustrator: Ewa Delgado

Grupa wiekowa
od 0 do 4 lat
stron: 24
delivery time
3-4 dni roboczych
Na magazynie
Na magazynie
Skandynawski Znak Łabędzia
Skandynawski Znak Łabędzia
Twarda okładka, papier kredowy 200 gr.
Twarda okładka, papier kredowy 200 gr.

Personalise Name and Name's Trip to the Forest

Choose Book Size

Write a personalised dedication. Please do not use smileys since they unfortunately cannot be shown in the text. The text will be printed on the first page of your chosen story (max 300 characters).
Choose the number of children in the story.

Information about Child 1

Write the First Name of Child 1.
Write the name of the City/Town, where the child lives.

Information about Child 2

Write the First Name of Child 2. This can be a younger sibling, a twin or a friend of Child 1.

Information about Adult 1

Write the First Name of the adult, who takes the child(ren) to the forest.
Write the First Name of a person who waves goodbye to those going on the trip.This person is not illustrated and can be either a child or adult.
Write the First Name of another person who waves goodbye to those going on the trip.This person is not illustrated and can be either a child or adult.

Add Gift Wrapping

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